India's economy has always been based primarily on agriculture. India is the world's second-largest agricultural producer, after China, with a population of over 1.3 billion. Due to its diverse geography and climate, numerous crops are grown all over India. The government of India periodically conducts agricultural censuses to understand the country's agricultural landscape. We will see the country's leading crop producers.

What is the agricultural census?

            The government conducts the agricultural census, a thorough statistical exercise, to gather and disseminate data on the composition of agriculture in the nation. It is carried out every five years and offers information on livestock, crop patterns, other relevant topics, and land use data.

             India conducted its first agricultural census in 1970–1971; since then, it has done so every five years. On July 28, 2022, in New Delhi, the Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare announced the beginning of the Eleventh Agriculture Census (2021–2022).

Leading state-wise crop-producing table:

Crop Area Production Productivity
Rice Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Punjab
Wheat Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Punjab
Maize Karnataka Karnataka Tamil Nadu
Jowar Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra
Bajra Rajasthan Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh
Gram Rajasthan Rajasthan Gujarat
Red gram Karnataka Karnataka Gujarat
Lentil Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh
Groundnut Gujarat Gujarat Tamil Nadu
Rapeseed & Mustard Rajasthan Rajasthan Gujarat
Soyabean Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Telangana
Sunflower Karnataka Karnataka Haryana
Sugarcane Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Tamil Nadu
Cotton Maharashtra Gujarat West Bengal
Jute & Mesta West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal
Tobacco Gujarat Gujarat Telangana
Total Nutri cereals Rajasthan Rajasthan West Bengal
Total pulses Rajasthan Rajasthan Gujarat
Total food grains Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Punjab
Total oilseeds Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Tamil Nadu

     The agricultural census is a crucial exercise that aids in comprehending the nation's agricultural landscape. It offers useful information that can be used to make decisions about policies, allocate resources, and spot trends and changes in the market. As a benchmark for upcoming agricultural surveys, agricultural censuses are conducted on a regular basis to ensure that the data is current. The agricultural census will continue to be essential in determining the direction of agriculture in India given the growing importance of the sector there.